Go Equip Prepare

We are called to go into all the earth, equip the Body of Christ, and prepare for His imminent return

About Us

Get to know the passion of our hearts...

Our primary goal is to see Jesus exalted in the Earth. 
Our hearts burn for the Global Bride  to become fully equipped and prepared to walk in the fullness of Her calling. We long to prepare the Ecclesia for the imminent return of Jesus through teaching, preaching and going into the Nations. We are committed to the radical call of Genesis 12:1 "Get up and go! Leave your country....travel to the land I will show you."

Here Am I Lord -Send Me

 Our hearts truly long to see the Lamb of God
 receive the reward of His suffering.
We have served in Uganda, Kurdistan,
Ukraine, Mexico and  Puerto Rico.  
As followers of Jesus, we accept as truth
 that the one who is willing to lose their  life
for the sake of the Gospel will also gain eternal life.
We know that we are God's handiwork,
created in Christ Jesus to do good works,
which God prepared in advance.
We will follow Him wherever He leads us.
"Every Nation Tribe and Tongue"