Night and Day Global's Sole Purpose and Heartbeat -Isaiah 1:17
To Do Good ~ Seek Justice ~ Relieve the Oppressed ~ defend the Orphan ~ Plead for the widow
We believe that every individual deserves to be treated with dignity regardless of their socioeconomic status. Through our various programs we help by providing proper nutrition, housing, education and medical care.
Humanitarian Relief
"And the King will say,
'I tell you, just as you feed and clothed
one of the least of these, you did it unto me.'
Matthew 25:35
'I tell you, just as you feed and clothed
one of the least of these, you did it unto me.'
Matthew 25:35

Building Projects
We are called to be repairers of that which was
once broken, torn down or destroyed.
Through helping to repair, mend, and rebuild
we know that Hope is restored!
once broken, torn down or destroyed.
Through helping to repair, mend, and rebuild
we know that Hope is restored!

We understand the importance of what a solid education can do for a life. How it can help to break the cycles of poverty and help to fulfill the dreams in ones heart.

Medical Missions
In conjunction with local churches our heart is to come alongside those
with physical, emotional and spiritual needs that do not have the resources to obtain proper medical care.
with physical, emotional and spiritual needs that do not have the resources to obtain proper medical care.

"It is a joy to observe the heartfelt support Night & Day Global gives to every adult and child"
- Lupe Humphrey
"I can remember when I was in need of the basic life necessities....and now I get to give to others desiring nothing in return"
- Dorothy Love
"No one has ever become poor by giving"
- Anne Frank