Top Seller of All Time
by Alycia Humphrey on August 18th, 2021
Once you wake up in the morning and pour that amazing cup of coffee where do you turn for your news update? What source of information is filling up our thoughts and hearts? How long has it been since you've opened the Good News?  Read More
Freedom in the “NO”
by Alycia Humphrey on August 5th, 2021
When is it ok to say No? Why have we gotten so far away from the boundaries that lie within the word No? Finding freedom in a 2 letter word.  Read More
Staying Focused Part 3
by Alycia Humphrey on July 30th, 2021
Are you wasting time or being productive? What is the Lord highlighting in your life that is a distraction and keeping you from running the race that He has set before You?  Read More
Staying Focused Part 2
by Alycia Humphrey on July 27th, 2021
How can we stay focused in a culture of so many distractions? Focus is a matter of deciding what you are not going to do, so that you know what you need to do.   Read More
Staying Focused Part 1
by Alycia Humphrey on July 27th, 2021
In a culture with so many distractions always pulling for our attention, how can we stay focused and not get distracted?  Read More
Word of Life Devotion
by Alycia Humphrey on July 13th, 2021
What characteristics do you look for in your friendships? How do those whom you associate with influence you? Let's look at how we can choose those Christ would want us to surround ourselves with each and every day.  Read More