Covenant Love

These Three Remain

Faith ~ Hope ~ Love
 And the greatest of these is….....LOVE! 

1 Corinthians 13 is the chapter in the Bible that so many people refer to when they make
a covenant with each other through their wedding vows.
Paul gives us the characteristics of Divine love in just four verses, four-eight.
What would the world look like if we truly meditated upon those four scriptures and allowed the living Word to become incarnate deep in our souls?
I personally believe that it is possible to live from this place of love.  
We read in 1 John 4 that God IS love. God proved His love for all humanity when He sent
His Son into the world to redeem us from our sins. And since we have been given the greatest demonstration of love, we too should love one another in the same way.

Love is seen in the little things we do throughout the course of our day. A smile we share.
 A hug we give. A text message we send. An unexpected card you receive in the mail.
That special meal you cooked for your family. Time is also an expression of love.
When we give up some of our hours, minutes, and seconds in the day.
Love goes out of its way for another individual. Love never cost us anything.
All we have to do is simply reach into the depths of our inward being and allow the Spirit of God to move through us. He wants to radically pour Himself out through earthen vessels.

Once you have been touched in the inner chambers of your heart with this perfect love
you can’t help but want to share it with others.
An awareness begins to bubble up inside of you for those who have not encountered
the perfect love of God.
It is this love that is the motivating force behind every choice.

I know for some of us it may be easier to simply read these words
than it is to truly put them into practice and live them out.  
I often ask myself, why is this so? 
What happens within the human soul that causes us to choose to withhold love from others?

 Love is a gift that we can freely give away each and every day. There is a limitless supply of love. We know that the greatest commandment is to love the Lord our God AND
to love our neighbors, as we love ourselves.
So why do we struggle with loving others as Christ has loved us?

 In first Samuel chapter eighteen we get a picture of what it truly means
to love our neighbor as we love ourselves.
Jonathan, who is the King’s son, the one who is heir to the throne of Israel
demonstrates a deep love for another.
To me he is a picture of The Love that is soon to come and give His life for all humanity.
We read that Jonathan is bound to David in a covenant friendship and loves him
 as he loves himself.
In one selfless display of love Jonathan makes a covenant with David that shifts everything!

 Jonathan takes off his royal robe, his armor, sword, bow, and belt and gives them all to David. He has just symbolically transferred to David everything that represents his right to ascend the throne of his father, King Saul. And in this one act of love prophecy is being fulfilled.

How many of us would honestly give up becoming the next royal leader of a nation
and all the benefits that come with that title and position?
We read in Philippians 2:7-8 about another who loved so much that he gave up his rights.
“But He emptied Himself —taking on the form of a slave, becoming the likeness of men
and being found in appearance as a man.
He humbled Himself —becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.”

Love is selfless. Christ gave His very life, so that we can have eternal life.
There is no greater demonstration of Love than to lay your life down for another.
In a world that is so full of envy, jealousy, strife, contention, hatred and brokenness my prayer is that we, the Believers of Yeshua would allow God’s perfect love to permeate into the very core of our soul...the very essence of who we are.
His love will and can dismantle everything that hinders love.

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