Life's Journey
Trusting in the Journey
Sometimes it seems as though life can be like going on a journey.
Going from one place to another. Moment by moment. Day after day.
From one season to another. Following the wind as it blows.
Anticipating new adventures. Places yet discovered, but on the horizon.
You see life is full of life. Each day we get to choose whether or not we will embrace
all God has for us in the journey. The beauty of our journey is that God has carefully
and purposefully written it from the foundation of the earth. He hasn't overlooked
one millisecond of our existence.
In fact He knew you before you were even formed in your mother's womb! That's right
God knew all about your very existence and each day of your life before you came into being.
Now if He can see that far down the road, then surely He knows the daily plans
He has for you and me.
The question is will we fully embrace the journey? Will we willing accept what the
Father has chosen from the foundation of creation for our lives?
In the garden of Gethsemane Jesus said, "nevertheless not my will be done." He chose
to accept the Father's will for him. So that day in the garden Jesus relinquished all His
plans and said yes to a journey that would lead him to Golgatha; the place of crucifixion
on a cross.
We read in Genesis twenty-two that God tells Abraham to take is son Isaac,
the promised son, the one whom he loves and go to Mt. Moriah and sacrifice
him as a burnt offering. Basically God is saying- Abraham I know I promised
you and Sarah a son, but now I am sending you on a three day journey to a
place where you will give "the promise" on an altar.
Try to imagine what those three days would have been like for Abraham.
With every step he took he was drawing closer to that final destination,
the altar of sacrifice.
Now maybe your journey in life hasn't been this extreme, but you have see
some twists and turns along the way. Some unforeseen bumps in the road or
detours along the way. Abraham had such deep faith that he made the journey
with Isaac knowing they would return back. Abraham trusted and obeyed and
Isaac's life was spared.
Our journey has been written by the Divine Creator.
The very DNA inside each and every individual is God's personal
inscription upon humanity. He, the One and only Eternal Divine and everlasting
King has engraved (permanently fixed in one's memory) you and me
upon the palms of His hands. He said I will never leave you nor forsake you.
He is with us in the journey of life. Each and every step of the way.
He even goes before us to prepare the way.
Today, as you read this blog I invite you to take a moment and ask
God are you fully trusting Him with the journey? Or have you stepped out
and created your own path? Trusting in yourself and your own strengths
to get you to where God wants to lead you?
"I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity
and not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for."
Jeremiah 29:11 (GNBDK)
Going from one place to another. Moment by moment. Day after day.
From one season to another. Following the wind as it blows.
Anticipating new adventures. Places yet discovered, but on the horizon.
You see life is full of life. Each day we get to choose whether or not we will embrace
all God has for us in the journey. The beauty of our journey is that God has carefully
and purposefully written it from the foundation of the earth. He hasn't overlooked
one millisecond of our existence.
In fact He knew you before you were even formed in your mother's womb! That's right
God knew all about your very existence and each day of your life before you came into being.
Now if He can see that far down the road, then surely He knows the daily plans
He has for you and me.
The question is will we fully embrace the journey? Will we willing accept what the
Father has chosen from the foundation of creation for our lives?
In the garden of Gethsemane Jesus said, "nevertheless not my will be done." He chose
to accept the Father's will for him. So that day in the garden Jesus relinquished all His
plans and said yes to a journey that would lead him to Golgatha; the place of crucifixion
on a cross.
We read in Genesis twenty-two that God tells Abraham to take is son Isaac,
the promised son, the one whom he loves and go to Mt. Moriah and sacrifice
him as a burnt offering. Basically God is saying- Abraham I know I promised
you and Sarah a son, but now I am sending you on a three day journey to a
place where you will give "the promise" on an altar.
Try to imagine what those three days would have been like for Abraham.
With every step he took he was drawing closer to that final destination,
the altar of sacrifice.
Now maybe your journey in life hasn't been this extreme, but you have see
some twists and turns along the way. Some unforeseen bumps in the road or
detours along the way. Abraham had such deep faith that he made the journey
with Isaac knowing they would return back. Abraham trusted and obeyed and
Isaac's life was spared.
Our journey has been written by the Divine Creator.
The very DNA inside each and every individual is God's personal
inscription upon humanity. He, the One and only Eternal Divine and everlasting
King has engraved (permanently fixed in one's memory) you and me
upon the palms of His hands. He said I will never leave you nor forsake you.
He is with us in the journey of life. Each and every step of the way.
He even goes before us to prepare the way.
Today, as you read this blog I invite you to take a moment and ask
God are you fully trusting Him with the journey? Or have you stepped out
and created your own path? Trusting in yourself and your own strengths
to get you to where God wants to lead you?
"I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity
and not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for."
Jeremiah 29:11 (GNBDK)

This is SO GOOD ðŸ˜ðŸ˜â¤ï¸â¤ï¸
Thank you Asked God if I full trusted Him. Saw some things to turn over to Him. Love you friend 3 squeezes â¤ï¸