God's Goodness
God's Goodness
As this month of thankfulness draws to a close and we embark upon the end of the year, I can’t help but to pause one more time and reflect upon God’s goodness.
Starting with the beauty of this sunny, warm California day. Listening to the sounds of the birds, the leaves gently blowing in the wind and laughter of children at the park. It is a good day to be alive.
One of my favorite songs “Too Good” by Abbie Gamboa sums up the thoughts in my heart.
“You're too good to be true
You're just too good, you're just too good.
You're too good to be true
You're just too good, you're just too good
I don't foresee you changing anytime soon
You've been this way ever since I met you
And you're not the kind to change with time
And the more I get to know you, the more I find
You're too good to be true
You're just too good, you're just too good.”
God’s goodness is all around us. Some days it’s in the smile of a child other days it’s the words aptly spoken to us by a dear friend. Honestly all of creation points to His goodness, like the stunning colors of fall as the leaves begin to transition off the trees and onto the ground.
This annual process has purpose, just as different seasons in our lives have Divine purpose.
We read in first Thessalonians that we are to give thanks in all circumstances. I believe that when we can begin to see our circumstances through God’s eternal goodness we can’t help
but give thanks. Knowing that He is right there with us by our side. Never leaving us or
forsaking us.
When we posture our hearts in the sea of thankfulness it allows for the Kingdom of Heaven to come and flow throughout our lives. Today may we open our eyes to see God’s goodness. Maybe it’s just around the corner or over that valley, but this I do know for sure…….
He is too good to be true!!
Starting with the beauty of this sunny, warm California day. Listening to the sounds of the birds, the leaves gently blowing in the wind and laughter of children at the park. It is a good day to be alive.
One of my favorite songs “Too Good” by Abbie Gamboa sums up the thoughts in my heart.
“You're too good to be true
You're just too good, you're just too good.
You're too good to be true
You're just too good, you're just too good
I don't foresee you changing anytime soon
You've been this way ever since I met you
And you're not the kind to change with time
And the more I get to know you, the more I find
You're too good to be true
You're just too good, you're just too good.”
God’s goodness is all around us. Some days it’s in the smile of a child other days it’s the words aptly spoken to us by a dear friend. Honestly all of creation points to His goodness, like the stunning colors of fall as the leaves begin to transition off the trees and onto the ground.
This annual process has purpose, just as different seasons in our lives have Divine purpose.
We read in first Thessalonians that we are to give thanks in all circumstances. I believe that when we can begin to see our circumstances through God’s eternal goodness we can’t help
but give thanks. Knowing that He is right there with us by our side. Never leaving us or
forsaking us.
When we posture our hearts in the sea of thankfulness it allows for the Kingdom of Heaven to come and flow throughout our lives. Today may we open our eyes to see God’s goodness. Maybe it’s just around the corner or over that valley, but this I do know for sure…….
He is too good to be true!!

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